Some interesting Twitter posts
On JTwitter recently. The first is this:
Someone had transcribed the place name, ורנקנורט על נהר מוין, as “Werkenort on the Moine River”. As Fred MacDowell noted, that would be a get pasul.
While I know that this pronunciation is off, I’m not ashamed to say that looking at it, I would have no real clue of how to pronounce it. It happens to be Frankfort am Main. But as a non-Israeli, and one who doesn’t regularly deal with Hebrew letter spellings of historical place names, I wouldn’t have readily figured out that the vav was what we pronounce as f and not as a vowel, or figured out the specific consonant clusters, to put “nkf” together.
One of Rabbi Elli Fischer’s projects is HaMapah, which looks to map Jewish Responsa literature. And a large part of that is extracting metadata from teshuvot, such as the sender, recipient, when it was sent, from where, to where. And so he’s trained his own neural network to process such Hebrew transliterations of place names.
Another argument on Twitter about pronouncing יתגדל ויתקדש in kaddish:
Also, some interesting Substack posts. First involving cheating and ChatGPT:
and finally this one about OpenAI and Artificial General Intelligence: