Washing before Kiddush
I’ve been attending the Tzurba program on Sunday mornings with my son at my local shul. In today’s topic, we discussed the Rama about the practice of washing hands on Shabbat before kiddush, something Yekkes do today but is otherwise not the widespread practice, and Mishnah Berura says otherwise. Thus, in Orach Chaim 171:12:
אחר שקידש על הכוס נוטל ידיו ומברך על נטילת ידים ואם נטל ידיו קודם קידוש גלי דעתיה דריפתא חביבא ליה ולא יקדש על היין אלא על הפת: הגה וי"א דלכתחל' יש ליטול ידיו קודם הקידוש ולקדש על היין (הרא"ש והמרדכי פ' ע"פ ורשב"א והגהות מיי' פכ"ט וטור) וכן המנהג פשוט במדינות אלו ואין לשנות רק בליל פסח כמו שיתבאר סי' תע"ג:
12. After he blesses over the cup, one washes his hands and says 'Al Netilat Yadayim'. If he washed his hands prior to Kiddush, he has revealed that bread is beloved to him, and he does not make kiddush over the wine, rather over the bread. RAMA: There are those who say that initially, one should wash his hands before kiddush and then make kiddush over wine (the Rosh; Mordechai; Rashba; Hagahos Maimoni; Tur) and such is the simple custom in our lands and it is not to be changed except on Pesach night, as explained in Siman 473
Someone (I don’t mention names) raised the question — isn’t this the dispute between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel, with this being Beit Shammai’s position?!
I piped up because I heard Rav Schachter address this point a few weeks back, in this lecture on YUTorah, at about the 65 minute mark: Brachos Shiur 45 - Being Machmir like Beis Shammai; Hilchos Amen. Or you can listen to this short clip:
The Rama is speaking about Shabbos, while Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel are speaking about during the weekday, as the gemara will explain. But it is a common mistake.