רשב"ם שמות כח:ל

את האורים ואת התומים - כעין השבעות של שמות בדבר הקב"ה שהיה נותן בהחשן להגיד משפטן וצרכיהם. אם האומות מגידים להם תרפים וקסמים שלהם ברוח טומאה, להבדיל כמה הבדלות בין טומאה לטהרה, ק"ו לקדושה שמגדת.

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Whether it did or whether it didn’t speak, there exists, it seems continually, a force of deception—whether as in Gan Eden within the serpent, or as is acknowledged in Shacharis “a spiritual force of destruction”.

I read recently that this enables humanity’s free choice.

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Also, you may remember Eliyahu HaNavi when he complained to HaShem “ohhh, they have killed Your prophets and I, even I am the only one left!” But HaShem said back to him, “I have reserved for Myself 400?(I think) prophets who have Not bowed the knee to Baal.” So there is a remnant in Israel—G-D only knows who they are.

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Ooh! I like this! Thank you very much for this information! Wow! It definitely is helpful for increasing understanding and Emunah.

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