I think you are making an excellent point! The issue isn't really whether a particular thing is assur or mutar, it's that there seems to be a tendency of invalidating other halachic decisors.
I heard an interesting analogy that halacha isn't diagnostic - the exact same thing can be both mutar and assur depending on the person who is asked, the person that asks and the particular circumstances.
I'm fascinated by the ruling of R' Kanievsky shown in the photo because I can only understand it by assuming that he never saw the photographs of the young yeshiva scholars from pre-war Europe who were clean shaven and then became Gedolim.
I think you are making an excellent point! The issue isn't really whether a particular thing is assur or mutar, it's that there seems to be a tendency of invalidating other halachic decisors.
I heard an interesting analogy that halacha isn't diagnostic - the exact same thing can be both mutar and assur depending on the person who is asked, the person that asks and the particular circumstances.
See also https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.etzion.org.il/en/halakha/yoreh-deah/kashrut-and-issur-veheter/shaving-electric-razor&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjd94CKxNKAAxXWjIkEHVsNCUEQFnoECAcQAg&usg=AOvVaw3i_Soj0FA9I_xydMo5sLxu
I'm fascinated by the ruling of R' Kanievsky shown in the photo because I can only understand it by assuming that he never saw the photographs of the young yeshiva scholars from pre-war Europe who were clean shaven and then became Gedolim.