The person who gave yesterday’s daf at Rinat (Bava Metzia 14, but maybe was referencing comments on 13) quoted Rabbi Shalom Rosner that the Rishonim say parts of these gemaras in Bava Metzia are actually commentaries from Rav Yehudai Gaon that were included in the main text of our gemara.
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Rav Yehudai Gaon's Interjections in Bava…
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The person who gave yesterday’s daf at Rinat (Bava Metzia 14, but maybe was referencing comments on 13) quoted Rabbi Shalom Rosner that the Rishonim say parts of these gemaras in Bava Metzia are actually commentaries from Rav Yehudai Gaon that were included in the main text of our gemara.